
Posts Tagged ‘Sherry Wang’

Don’t worry about swine flu !



祝大家平安健康 ! 佛州中醫 Sherry Wang 🙂

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What is Good Health?
1. Good Appetite:
You are hungry at meal times and food tastes good to you.
The amount you eat does not exceed the calories you burn.

2. Adequate Urination:
Should occur 5-7 times daily. Urine should be pale yellow in color, of a sufficient quantity and with a normal force.
There should be no dribbling or burning sensation when urinating.

3. Daily Bowel Movements:
At a minimum, bowel movements should be once a day in the morning, preferably when you first wake up.
Your stools should be long, thick, firm and brown in color.
You should feel as if you have emptied your bowels completely afterwards.

4. Cool Face, Warm Hands & Feet:
The face should feel cool to the touch. While the tops of hands and feet should be cool, the palms and soles should be warm.

5.Good Sleep Pattern:
Sleep should be uninterrupted; upon wakening you should feel well and rested.

6. Male/Female Erection:
Males should have erections upon awakening in the morning.
Females should have firm nipples.

All six criteria should be present in a healthy individual. Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that if one or more of these criteria are not met then the individual is in a state of imbalance.

Each deviation, no matter how slight, is a symptom. Untreated, that symptom could eventually develop into a disease.

How You are Evaluated?
for Treatment:

The practitioner works to assess the functional state of the individual. The emphasis is on creating and maintaining a balance to avoid the development of disease.

The practitioner does not identify and name a disease as is done in Western medicine because the concern is with the disease pattern underlying the symptoms, which may vary from individual to individual even if the Western name of the disease does not.

First, the acupuncture physician takes a comprehensive history of the symptoms. Using the six criteria of good health as a guide, the practitioner will note any symptoms which are not considered to be normal. For example, if the patient always wakes up during a certain time of night the practitioner will gain insight into which bodily organ system may be involved. No symptom, however small, is overlooked in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Each symptom is a piece of the puzzle , part of the disease pattern. The practitioner will ask questions of the patient to arrive at a correct diagnosis.

Becoming aware of and accurately reporting symptoms will help the practitioners more quickly find what is out of balance in the patient’s body.

Next, the practitioner may examine face, tongue, pulse and even posture. Each lends insight into where the imbalances may lie. If treatment is needed,a combination of acupuncture and herbal
treatment may be needed.

The Rebalance Center, Inc. offers services in all these areas:

Acupuncture , Herbal Remedies, Hypnosis, Energy Treatment, Aromatherapy, Feng Shui, Weight Loss

Sherry Wang A.P Dipl. AC. (NCCAOM)
(321) 960-6897
3040 N.Wickham Rd, Unit 5
Melbourne, FL, 32935

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